A Place of Rest
Did you know, Resting is a form of trust?
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they TRUST in YOU. “ Isaiah 26:3
Many times we have lots of things on our to do list & it is hard to get our minds to rest. We lay down to sleep and thoughts race of what NEEDS to be done: maybe a hurting marriage, finances, a sick friend or family member, a child that is having problems, just every day life chores, or God assignments, and here come fear and anxiety and NO SLEEP. We think we are trusting but our bodies are telling us differently. Listen to what your body is telling you and begin to have a conversation with the One who will not let you stumble because He watches over you day and night. He never sleeps or slumbers (Psalm 121:3-6).
Try this: make a conscious effort to quiet your mind by letting Him have all your fear and anxiety. Believe that He is who He says He is and trust Him with all that is valuable to you. Take a deep breath in, exhale, and say, “Father, help me trust you. I choose to lay all that is close to my heart in Your hands because it’s from you anyway. I believe you have what’s best for me and my loved ones at the center of Your heart. You are a faithful leader, a good Shepherd. You wrote my story. Increase my trust. Increase my faith.”